Submitted for the record to House of Representatives Subcommittee on Energy and Mineral Resources on 12 July 2023

Note: Download to read entire testimony.

“In April 2022, I filmed OGI videos detecting these emissions over the course of two days in and near the 10 mile buffer of the Chaco Area mineral withdrawal, and subsequently found one facility within the buffer zone and two facilities on the outskirt of the zone that were emitting. Three complaints were filed with the New Mexico Environment Department (NMED). Since 2018, I have filed more than 50 complaints to NMED regarding methane and VOC emissions from oil and gas facilities in the Four Corners region. These complaints document how oil and gas development has damaged my air quality, ancestral lands, traditional resources, and quality of life.  

“Over 90% of the public lands surrounding me and my family have been leased for mineral resource exploration and development, and it has not been entirely beneficial to all who live in this area. Public health and public safety are major concerns for local residents who are living with the impacts of development. The Chaco Area mineral withdrawal will ensure me and my family have a future and the lands surrounding us will have the potential to remain pristine and liveable. I request you oppose H.R. 4374. Thank you for your consideration.”

Oil & gas pollution on or near Chaco Culture National Historical Park