Say No to Dirty Gold in the Dominican Republic
Sign on now to demand that government officials relocate impacted communities and negotiate in good faith.
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Sign on now to demand that government officials relocate impacted communities and negotiate in good faith.
The Forest Service is taking public comment on the proposal. Please take a minute to sign the petition urging the protection of Montana’s wilderness, wildlife, and clean water.
Last December, the EPA finalized a rule to significantly reduce methane pollution from oil and gas wells. Methane is a …
When Governor Shapiro was Attorney General, the 43rd Statewide Investigating Grand Jury recommended a 2,500-foot no-drill zone between fracking and …
Did you know Pennsylvania state law allows oil and gas well pads to be built as close as 500 feet from residential buildings, while compressor stations that pump toxic gas through pipelines can be built only 750 feet away from an existing building?