Clean water and healthy aquatic ecosystems are essential to everyone, and central to the cultural and spiritual practice of indigenous peoples around the world.

Each year, mining companies dump over 220 million tonnes of tailings, or hazardous mine waste directly into oceans, rivers and lakes – putting communities, fisheries and ecosystems at risk. This practice has repeatedly proven to devastate the environment, and the people that depend on it for food, clean water and livelihoods.

People around the world are suffering the harmful, and often irreparable consequences of aqueous tailings dumping. Although this dirty and unnecessary practice has been phased out in many parts of the world, mining companies still use it, governments still allow it, and some of the world’s largest banks and investment firms still finance it.

Risking communities and ecosystems with toxic mine waste dumping is unnecessary. Any mine that cannot responsibly dispose of its waste should not be built in the first place.

We support a global ban on the dumping of mine waste into oceans, rivers and lakes. We oppose the financing of any mining project that would use this environmentally harmful practice.


Act Now, Papua New Guinea

Action for Ecology and People’s Emancipation (AEER), Indonesia

Bismarck Ramu Group, Papua New Guinea

BUND – Friends of the Earth Germany

Campax – Switzerland

Center for Biological Diversity, USA

Center for International Environmental Law, USA

Centar za životnu sredinu – Friends of the Earth Bosnia and Herzegovina

Center for Environmental Law and Community Rights (CELCOR) – Friends of the Earth Papua New Guinea

CESTA – Friends of the Earth El Salvador

Defensa Ambiental del Noroeste, Mexico

Deep Sea Mining Campaign

EarthRights International, USA

Earthworks, USA

Framtiden i våre hender (Future in Our Hands), Norway

Friends of the Earth Europe

Friends of the Earth International

Friends of the Earth Norway

Friends of the Earth Scotland

Friends of the Earth USA

Focus Association for Sustainable Development, Slovenia

Haiti Survie – Friends of the Earth Haiti

Hnuti DUHA – Friends of the Earth Czech Republic

Interamerican Association for Environmental Defense (AIDA)

Ingénieurs Sans Frontières – Systèmes Extractifs et Environnement, France

Jordens Vänner – Friends of the Earth Sweden

Les Amis de la Terre – Friends of the Earth France

Mineral Policy Institute, Australia

MiningWatch Canada

Mouvement Ecologique – Friends of the Earth Luxembourg

Niparajá, Mexico

Norske Lakseelver (Norwegian Salmon Rivers), Norway

Norges Kystfiskarlag (Union for Norwegian Coastal Fisherman), Norway

Oceana, USA / Chile

Pacific Environment, USA

Pro-Natura, Switzerland

Seas at Risk, Belgium

Sierra Club, USA

SumOfUs, USA

VZW Climaxi – Friends of the Earth Flanders

Young Friends of the Earth Norway

Young Friends of the Earth Europe

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