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Flareless Completions

Flareless or “green” completions reduce flaring and venting of natural gas from oil and gas wells. Before natural gas and …

Flaring and Venting

When natural gas is produced as a byproduct of oil extraction or presents a safety problem operators will often vent or flare the gas.

Forced Pooling

“Forced Pooling” is the mandatory consolidation of leased and unleased minerals to access one common underground mineral reserve. Also known …

Fracturing sand mining on a Wisconsin farm

Frac Sand Mining

Frack “sand” is actually tiny pieces of quartz- silicon dioxide (SiO2) also known as silica sand. It is not garden variety sand found in your kids sandbox. Because it is special, it is found in only a few places. In the United States, that currently means in the Midwest near the Great Lakes. The Southeast corner of Minnesota and neighboring Wisconsin contain vast deposits of the most desirable highly spherical sand close to the surface.


Gas Separation

Learn the processes and equipment used for separating gas, including dehydrators, cryogenic plants, gas processing units, gas sweetening plants, and tanks.

Gas Processing

When first extracted, natural gas is a blend of methane; water; natural gas liquids (NGLs) such as ethane, butane, and propane; and condensate, …