Dish, TX


The Methane plumes identified and plotted by Picarro were located downwind of the Compressor Station Complex in DISH. The Complex consist of 11 compressor stations operated by five companies, Crosstex, Chesapeake, Atmos, Energy Transfer, and Enbridge.

In conjunction with the Methane Mapping performed by Picarro in DISH, on March 2, 2010, at 1:54 PM, an air sample was collected in the Methane Plume identified by Picarro, downwind of the Compressor Station Complex.

A certified evacuated stainless steel Summa canister was used by Alisa Rich of Wolf Eagle Environmental, Flower Mound, TX., to collect a grab sample of air from south east of the Guthrie home, in the Methane Plume.

The canister was analyzed by GD Air Testing, Inc., Richardson, TX., for Volatile Organic Compounds (TO-14), Tentatively Identified Compounds (GC/MS Scan) and Light Hydrocarbons including Methane (ASTM 1945).

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