Texas Commission on Environmental Quality 

12100 Park 35 Circle 

Austin, TX 78753 

Re: Rule Project Number 2024-027-113-AI, joint comments of Liveable Arlington, Texas Impact, Sierra Club, Lone Star Chapter, Greater Edwards Aquifer Alliance, Bayou City Waterkeeper, Chispa Texas, Progress Texas, Environment Texas Research and Policy Center, Public Citizen, Rio Grande International Study Center, Texas Permian Future Generations, Texas Physicians for Social Responsibility, GreenLatinos, Environmental Defense Fund, Commission Shift, Earthworks 

Dear Mr. Munzenmaier, 

We welcome the opportunity to submit comments on Texas’s implementation of EPA’s Emissions Guidelines, 40 CFR Part 60, Subpart OOOOc, for existing crude oil and natural gas facilities. Together, our organizations represent the interests of over 200,000 Texans across the state and advocate on their behalf for clean air, water, and thriving communities…