We write to express our concerns with the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality’s (TCEQ) failure to regularly provide citizen complainants with TCEQ’s investigation reports, despite agency policy. We also believe TCEQ too infrequently initiates enforcement actions using information provided by a private individual, as authorized by the Texas Water Code Sec. 7.0025 and 30 Tex. Admin. Code 70.4. This letter therefore provides notice to the TCEQ of Earthworks’ intention to change the manner in which we submit air pollution complaints from oil and natural gas related infrastructure. Going forward, we will begin submitting multiple complaints simultaneously, in the form of a list with supporting documentation, to the appropriate TCEQ regional management. As necessary, or upon request, we will continue to provide the appropriate technical information to our contacts inside and outside the TCEQ so they may conduct meaningful investigations and take necessary enforcement actions.
Letter to TCEQ Regarding Complaint Protocols
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