Webinar recording

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North Dakota’s Bakken Shale is one of the two biggest fracking oil fields in the U.S.

Most people will never visit the Bakken. But Bakken oil trains will “visit” communities throughout North America on their way to refineries. And because Bakken oil is highly volatile, each one of these trains puts at risk the communities they travel through.

Inside the Bakken, a constant stream of social issues impact the region including housing booms and busts, migration of national and international workers, childhood homelessness, crime and violence.

Join us for an online discussion to learn about the challenges of living in the Bakken, the national impacts of the North Dakota fracking oil boom and what you can do to help.

The webinar will consist of short presentations by the panelists, followed by a Q&A period where attendees can submit questions.

Don Morrison – Executive Director, Dakota Resource Council
Wayde Schafer – Sierra Club, North Dakota
Theodora Bird Bear – Fort Berthold Indian Reservation, North Dakota
Pastor Martin Mock – Senior Pastor, First Lutheran Church, Williston, North Dakota

Deborah Thomas – Shaletest.org for Earthworks
Jennifer Goldman – Earthworks

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