Thank you for the opportunity to express our concerns with the City of Arlington’s (“City”) consideration of the Special Use Permit (“SUP”) 09-21R1 amendment sought by Total E&P Barnett USA, LLC’s (“Total”) reducing the company’s minimum drilling setback from 600-ft to 300-ft.

This letter expresses recommendations to the City in order to ensure the public’s health, safety, and welfare. We acknowledge the ongoing public health crisis generated by the COVID-19 pandemic and the resulting demand shock for fossil fuels. During this crisis, the City should not act to permit any special uses that further the climate crisis nor endanger public health.

The City of Arlington has substantial power to stand up for the health, safety, and welfare of its residents. The proposed SUP amendment will harm those interests and exacerbate an ongoing public health crisis. Therefore, Arlington should repeal this SUP, or in the alternative, deny the setback waiver.

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