Media Contact:

Brendan McLaughlin, 206.892.8832,

“We’ve seen proclamations from President Trump on so-called critical minerals before. This one continues this administration’s consistent attempts to weaken public input and federal oversight over mining.

“What’s different now is the world’s interest in the equitable and just treatment of mining impacted communities.  Mining companies now realize they must earn a social license to operate.  Global backlash at Rio Tinto for destroying 46,000 year old indigenous sites forced the resignation of their CEO.  Today’s Executive Order speeds the transfer of public lands, sacred to the San Carlos Apache, to Rio Tinto.

“The President is right that we need to improve our minerals policy which still lingers from an 1872 law intended for white colonization. But that doesn’t mean loosening oversight, it means reforming this law to help redress some of the inequities still evident in our power structures today, where governments permit destruction of indigenous sacred sites.  Reform will also improve supply chain security in the materials needed for the clean, just, and equitable energy transition. We need 1872 Mining Law reform such as that proposed by Messrs. Grijalva and Udall.”

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