2010 People's Oil & Gas Summit

The Peoples' Oil and Gas Summit is a core component of EARTHWORKS' efforts to build bridges between communities that have been dealing with these issues for decades and those facing the drilling boom for the first time. Our experience has been that such bridges help foster new activists, renew long-term activists, and greatly increase momentum on pushing local, state, and national reform efforts.

Summit Updates

Summit updates will be posted here as they become available — including presentations and logistical info.

UPDATE 11/20: SPEAKER PRESENTATIONS NOW ONLINE Included in the final agenda are links to speaker presentations, and additional information related to the various panels.

UPDATE 11/16: FINAL AGENDA AVAILABLE ONLINE Included in the final agenda are links to speaker bios, and additional information related to the various panels.

UPDATE 10/31: FIND OUT ABOUT THE SUMMIT CO-SPONSORS More than 35 organizations from across the country have co-sponsored the 2010 National People's Oil and Gas Summit. Find out more about the Summit co-sponsors, and the work they're doing to protect people and the environment from the harmful impacts related to oil and gas development.

UPDATE 10/25: DRAFT AGENDA AVAILABLE ONLINE Thanks to the hard work of the Steering Committee members, the draft final Agenda for the Summit is now available.

UPDATE 9/5: We have put together a Summit Steering Committee to help shape the agenda. In addition to EARTHWORKS staff, the Committee includes: