Allison Woolverton

Based in D.C., Allison is working to end fossil fuel extraction and exports through national coalitions and Federal advocacy. As a New Orleans native, she is deeply aware of the urgent need for climate action. She began her career in environmental justice by organizing against petrochemical buildout in her home state and campaigning to preserve Baton Rouge’s drinking water reserve. Currently, she is completing a Masters of Environmental Policy at George Washington University. 

Passionate about human rights, Allison has centered her research and internships on the Latin America region, particularly focusing on the impacts of resource extraction, community consultation processes, and climate adaptation. After graduating from Tulane University, where she studied Political Economy and Spanish, she worked with refugees and asylum-seekers, as an intern with UNHCR, in Quito, Ecuador, and on the U.S.-Mexico border.  

When she’s not working, or studying, she can be found running, dancing, and doing acro-yoga in the parks of D.C., or dreaming up a creative party idea.


Email: awoolverton [at] earthworks [dot] org
Phone: 202-850-0444
Location: Washington, D.C.

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