Hydraulic Fracturing 101
Hydraulic fracturing (aka fracking) stimulates wells drilled into geologic formations, making profitable otherwise prohibitively expensive extraction.
Hydraulic fracturing (aka fracking) stimulates wells drilled into geologic formations, making profitable otherwise prohibitively expensive extraction.
In areas with industrial sources of hydrogen sulfide, average concentrations of hydrogen sulfide in nearby neighborhoods may be present in the low parts per billion range, although maximum concentrations can be in the 100s of parts per billion range or higher. Also, spills, leaks, malfunctions or build-up of hydrogen sulfide in enclosed or low-lying areas can result in much higher, and sometimes lethal levels.
First used in Wyoming in the 1950s, in-situ leaching (ISL) mining accounts for most uranium production in the United States. …
As the infrastructure build-out reaches more places, communities are standing up and taking action to protect their air, water, land, …
La acidificación se refiere a la estimulación de un depósito de petróleo con una solución que contiene ácido reactivo para …
Who Should Pay for Mine Clean-Up: Industry or Taxpayers? Congress enacted the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation and Liability Act, or CERCLA, …