Last year, the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality established a new policy for reporting gas drilling odors. It doesn’t concern itself with water pollution or anything underground. Just the air.

Eight months later, the Texas Oil & Gas Accountability Project wants to check in with TCEQ — and the people affected — to show them how effective this new policy is.

Based on public documents, we know that 98% of the time, when you call in with an odor complaint, TCEQ finds no violation, even when 40% of the time you tell them the odors are making you sick with ailments ranging from headaches, vomiting and burning eyes to heart palpitations, dizziness and breathing difficulties.

At Texas OGAP, we don’t think that’s good enough! In fact, we think that stinks! We think the TCEQ 12-hour odor response is broken and we want them to fix it so it is more protective of public health.

That is why we are hosting a Help Fix the TCEQ’s Stinky 12-hour Odor Response System public meeting where you will get to speak about your experience with their response and give your suggestions for how to make it work better.

Town Hall 5413
Tim Donald Road
DISH, Texas 76247

October 13, 2010,
7:00 PM to 9:00 PM


  • TCEQ – they said no but we think they might change their mind.
  • Wilma Subra – Confirmed
  • EPA – Probable
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