A recent report by Accenture named Argentina as the best placed country, outside of North America, to develop its shale resources.

Why? Argentina holds some of the largest natural gas reserves in the world – 200 trillion cubic feet more than the United States.

At the same time, the Argentinian government is making it easier for international companies to come to their country and frack, offering tax incentives and other enticements.

The government has sold fracking as a huge job booster that will bring badly needed revenue to the country. However, local communities are not convinced.

Communities in Neuquen and Vaca Muerta, where test wells are being drilled, and some fracking is already occurring, don’t want expanded development. They are concerned that it will cause further degradation of their health and the natural environment.

People all over the world are aware of the impacts that fracking causes:

  • Increased earthquake risks.
  • Air and water pollution.
  • Destruction of forests and parklands.
  • Spills, leaks and explosions.
  • Nausea, headaches and other health problems from toxic exposure.

The Argentinian government has sold fracking as a blessing, but local communities want to know the truth.

Argentina sin Fracking has invited Earthworks, the FracTracker Alliance, and Ecologic Institute to come to Argentina to tell the real story about fracking.

We have begun a 30-day crowdfunding campaign to raise the necessary funds. Your tax-deductible contributions will make it possible for us to travel to Argentina. There, we will hold several workshops in Buenos Aires and other affected communities, such as the Vaca Muerta region, where Chevron is currently operating.

With your help, Argentina can avoid making the mistakes that we've made in the U.S. You can connect Argentinians to a new international network of environmental groups fighting fossil fuel development worldwide.

The oil and gas industry is one of the world's richest and most powerful. Governments often choose to believe energy companies' false promises without considering the impacts of extraction on the well-being of people and the places they cherish. The people living on the frontlines are often forgotten and their stories ignored.

With your help, we can stand in solidarity with the people of Argentina and help them build a strong grassroots movement to protect their rights to a clean environment and healthy communities.
Please donate to this campaign, share with your networks, and help us spread the word.

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