Thanks so much to everyone that joined us in Dallas this past weekend!

We had a great two days at the Frack Attack National Summit with over 250 people in attendance. The Best Western in Dallas was packed with fracktivists who built skills to be more effective spokespeople and truly hold the oil and gas industry accountable.

Some great speakers joined us in Dallas, and imparted their knowledge about the serious impacts of oil and gas from the beginning of the extraction process, through compressor stations and into pipelines. Wilma Subra taught us about the potential health impacts of fracking, Deborah Rogers educated us about the economic shell game played by the industry, and Tony Ingraffea laid out the serious, dire consequences our planet faces if we do not get greenhouse gas emissions from oil and gas drilling under control.

We also heard the positive message of Danny Kennedy from Sungevity – that there are real alternatives out there that we can be using right now to change the game and get us off fossil fuels.

For those of you who were unable to attend, or who were with us in Dallas but weren’t able to make a workshop, the Stop the Frack Attack team will be working hard over the next few weeks to add all of the PowerPoints and relevant fact sheets to our website.

Please stay tuned for more ways to get involved in the Stop the Frack Attack network and keep the good work we started in Dallas going!

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