You're invited to a briefing exposing the lie of a long-term fracking boom. 

The briefing will include a presentation by David Hughes, the analyst who accurately predicted the 90% downgrade of California’s Monterey Shale.

Using the same data as Energy Department forecasters, he will debunk their overly optimistic forecasts for shale development — the same forecasts local, state & national government use to guide economic/energy policy and planning.

Hughes also calls into question industry claims about U.S. energy independence and the viability of oil and natural gas exports.

Drilling Deeper finds that the so-called “shale revolution” is actually a short-term bubble — and not worth its risks to the environment and to our communities.

Tuesday, December 9th at
8pm eastern, 5pm pacific

To attend, register HERE.

Read the report (including exec summary & key findings).


  • David Hughes: Report author and geoscientist who has researched, published and lectured widely on North American shale gas and tight oil production data, global energy and sustainability issues in the U.S., Canada, and internationally.
  • Asher Miller: Executive Director of Post Carbon Institute
  • Deborah Nardone: Campaign Director, Sierra Club Beyond Natural Gas Campaign

Time at the end of the briefing will be given for Q&A from participants. If you have any questions about the report or the upcoming briefing, please email us. We hope you'll be joining us next Tuesday!

Stop the Frack Attack Network

Americans Against Fracking

Post Carbon Institute, Earthworks, Sierra Club, Food & Water Watch, Clean Water Action,, Delaware RiverKeeper, Energy Policy Forum, Catskill Citizens for Clean Energy
and Environmental Working Group.