[UPDATE with Press Release] Costco’s Facebook page is flooded with messages from their customers asking Costo to sign on to the No Dirty Gold Campaign’s Golden Rules . Here are a few from just the last hour:

“What does it cost in human health and conditions to save a few dollars on your gold jewelry? Think of the profits when you can proudly boast Fair Trade?? Walmart cheated– Here's your edge.” – Facebook user

“It is deplorable to support human rights violations. I will not shop for Jewelery at Costo until such time as it signs on to the No Dirty Gold Campaigns Golden Rules. I will not renew my membership unless Costco takes this action” – Facebook user

Costco, show me you care about human rights, ending child labor, and protecting the environment. Sign the Golden Rules! And then–here's where it gets tricky–FOLLOW THEM. (We'll find out if you don't.)” – Facebook user

Why isn't Costco supporting clean gold? We don't know.  We assume it isn't because they don't care about working conditions in the mines or cyanide spills poisoning communities' drinking water.  Maybe it is because they think their customers don't care. Well they are showing them this week that that is the furthest from the truth. 

Costco has yet to address the growing public calls for them to sign on. They have yet to engage with the No Dirty Gold campaign despite our repeated requests for a conversation with them. 

Costco's customers deserve to know whether the gold they're buying was mined by a child's hands, came at the cost of human rights, or harmed the environment. It’s time for Costco to join the other major gold retailers in the U.S. that have taken the steps towards sourcing clean gold by committing to the “Golden Rules”.

You can join other Costco customers today by going to Costco's Facebook page, “like” them, then leave a message on why you want them to sign the Golden Rules !

We know Costco wants to do the right thing. Lets let them know we ll have their back when they do!
