Thank you for considering our comments on the Thompson Creek Mine Draft Environmental Impact Statement: Mine Expansion, 404 Permit, Land Use Plan Amendment, and Federal Land Disposal submitted on behalf of the Idaho Conservation League and the Mineral Policy Center.

Since 1973, the Idaho Conservation League has worked to protect and Idaho’s clean water, wilderness, and quality of life through citizen action, public education, and professional advocacy. The Idaho Conservation League has a long history of involvement with mining and water quality issues. As Idaho's largest statewide conservation organization, ICL represents members from around the who have a deep personal interest in ensuring that mining operations and reclamation are protective of our land, water, fish, and wildlife.

We have a long history of involvement in the TCM DEIS. Our members use the surrounding and downstream areas for hiking, hunting, fishing, camping, boating, botanizing and enjoy touring the area. We have toured the project site several times on the ground, flown over it, and toured the Broken Wing Ranch as well. We appreciate the Thompson Creek Mine Company and the BLM for having hosted us on the site visits. We have three main concerns regarding the EIS and have specific recommendations to address these should the project proceed.

Earthworks is a national non-profit organization dedicated to protecting communities and the environment against the adverse impacts of mineral development. Earthworks has a long history of engaging in hardrock mining issues in Idaho and on federal public lands nation-wide, and we seek to promote responsible mining practices that protect public health, fish, wildlife, and clean water.

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