Key concerns and talking points

In 2014, the Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) issued a revision to their initial proposed changes to the state’s oil and gas regulations, known as Chapter 78 of the Pennsylvania Code. Subsequently, the state legislature required DEP to create two sets of regulations, one for conventional operators (Chapter 78) and one for unconventional/Marcellus Shale operators (now called Chapter 78a).

Following consideration of tens of thousands of comments from the public, advocates, issue experts, and industry, DEP released their revised proposals in April 2015.

Continued public participation is essential to making the regulations stronger and more protective of air, water, and health! You have until May 19th to submit written comments. You can also testify at the three public hearings scheduled. You can use the analysis and talking points below (which cover key parts of the revised regulations) to prepare your comments. There are many additional areas (like the section on noise mitigation) that you may also be interested in including in your comments. Information on the complete regulations, hearings, and how to submit comments are at:

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