Pursuant to 36 CFR Part 218, Earthworks, Rock Creek Alliance, Save Our Cabinets, and the Clark Fork Coalition (collectively Objectors), by their undersigned attorneys, file this Objection to the March 2015 Final EIS and Preliminary/Draft Record of Decision (DROD) issued by Forest Supervisor Christopher Savage for the Montanore Project (Mine or Project). The FEIS and DROD are contained in the USFS webpage at: http://www.fs.usda.gov/projects/kootenai/
. This Objection is being submitted via email. Due to the size of the documents referenced in this Objection, a computer disc with the documents is being mailed contemporaneously to the Regional Office.

All of the Objectors filed comments on the Draft EIS on or about July 29, 2009, and on the Supplementary Draft EIS on or about December 21, 2011, and have fully participated in the USFS review of the Project. As such they are proper Objectors under Part 218. Pursuant to 36 CFR 218.8, the Objectors state that the following content of this Objection demonstrates the connections between the 2009 and 2011 comments noted above (or “previous comments”) for all issues raised herein, unless the issue or statement in the DROD or FEIS arose or was made after the opportunity for comment on the DEIS or Supplementary DEIS closed, as detailed herein.

Pursuant to Part 218, Earthworks is the lead objector. Contact person: Bonnie Gestring, Earthworks, 140 South 4th St. West, Missoula, MT 59801, bgestring@earthworks.org, 406-549-7361. However, all Objectors are represented by their undersigned counsel and all U.S. Forest Service (USFS) correspondence regarding this Objection should be directed to the Objectors’ attorneys at the address contained herein.

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