From the card:

Dear Senators Wyden and Merkley and Representatives DeFazio and Huffman,

With snow blanketing the moutainous home of the Kalmiopsis rivers, we want to thank you for your hard work and abiding commitment to protect the wild and irreplaceble North Fork Smith River, Baldface Creek, Roughand ReadyCreek, Hunter Creek and the Pistol River from nickel strip mines.

What a year it's been! Youintroduced legislation and were the impetus for a proposed mineral withdrawal that's been decades in the making. We gathered 35,000 comments in support. Over 500 people filled local hearing rooms to make impassioned pleas for the protection of their beloved rivers. These rivers provide the communities of Southwest Oregon and Northwest California with wonderfully pure drinking water, wild salmon and much more.

As you look toward 2016, we ask that you keep fighting the good fight and push toward a 20year withdrawal. Businesses,local individuals, a11d.organizations from around Oregon, California and the Country will continue to work to·support the withdrawal and your legislation.

Thank You from


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