We fully support AB2718, and efforts to create well stimulation notification forms that will allow for easier understanding of the process by all Californians.

AB 2718 requires the Division of Oil, Gas and Geothermal Resources (DOGGR) to develop a standardized form for independent entities to use when notifying owners and tenants of properties surrounding wellheads. The use of a standard form will ensure that these notifications contain all required information as mandated by Senate Bill 4 (SB4), and is formatted in such a way that it can be understood by a person unfamiliar with oil and gas extraction practices. Additionally, this measure will ensure that these notifications are also available in Spanish, a language spoken by over 4 million Californians. AB 2718 will also promote proper oversight of this notification process by requiring the independent party distributing the notifications to send a copy of all notifications to DOGGR. In this way, DOGGR will be able to review these notifications to ensure that Californians are receiving all the information required by law.

It is essential that residents in proximity to well stimulation sites are aware of hydraulic fracturing and acidizing occurring in their communities. SB4, passed into law last year, mandated these notifications so that Californians would be aware of well stimulation treatment permits issued in their area and water sampling and testing available to them. AB 2718 is the logical next step to ensure that this important provision of SB 4 is carried out in an efficient and user-­‐friendly manner.

All Californians deserve accurate and accessible information about fracking and fracking waste disposal operations occurring in the vicinity of their homes, schools and places of business. We urge you to support this important legislation.

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