Twenty Amounts, Percentages, and Facts About Mining Today.

1. Total tonnage of marketable minerals extracted in 1999 globally………………………………………………………………………….9.6 billion tons
2. Total tonnage in 1970: ………………………………………………………..5 billion
3. Mining’s share of Gross World Product:…………………………………..0.9%
4. Mining’s share of global employment: ……………………………………..0.5%
5. Average number of mine workers killed on the job each day: …………………………………………………………………………………………………………40
6. Number of workers employed in the mining industry of South Africa, the world’s largest gold producer, in 1985: ……………………………800,000
7. Number employed in 2000:…………………………………………………420,000

1-2-United States Geological Service (USGS)
3-Worldwatch Institute, State of the World 2003
4-International Labor Organization (ILO), LABORSTA database,
5-ILO website,
6-7- International Labor Organization (ILO), The Evolution of Employment, Working Time and Training in the Mining Industry (2002)