No Dirty Energy!

Issue 6 > September 5th, 2008

Feature Story:
EARTHWORKS Launches No Dirty Energy Campaign
2. EARTHWORKS fights to protect Ghana National Forest 3. Shell suspends drilling in the Sacred Headwaters 4. Keeping an Eye on the Pebble Mine 5. Recycle your cell phone from home

EARTHWORKS Launches No Dirty Energy Campaign

Credit: No Dirty Energy

On August 19th EARTHWORKS’ Oil and Gas Accountability Project launched the new No Dirty Energy campaign. Modeled on the success of the No Dirty Gold campaign, No Dirty Energy tries to do two things:

  1. make energy-users aware of how their energy choices harm (or help) local communities and the environment, so that we can change our energy use habits, and
  2. urge energy-users to use their buying power to change the ways of dirty energy producers.

On Tuesday, August 19th the No Dirty Energy staff and affected community members from the Colorado area demonstrated at a Phillips 66 station in Denver. Phillips 66 stations in Colorado are known to use oil produced from one of the dirtiest of all energy sources: the Canadian tar sands.

The use of dirty tar sands would exacerbate climate change problems and take us even further from the goal of clean, renewable energy. No Dirty Energy is dedicated to reversing tar sands oil spread through the United States.

Give us a hand! Use your consumer power by signing the No Dirty Energy pledge to help clean up the dirty energy industry. [Learn more]

EARTHWORKS fights to protect Ghana National Forest

EARTHWORKS and its partners in Ghana and Europe have criticized plans by Colorado-based Newmont Mining Corporation to develop an open-pit gold mine in a Forest Reserve in Ghana. We released expert reviews of the mine project that document serious deficiencies in the Environmental Impact Statement and likely impacts on biodiversity. To read more on the Akyem mine project, see the summary fact sheet and the press release.[Learn More]

Shell suspends drilling in the Sacred Headwaters

After considerable pressure from affected communities and conservation groups, Royal Dutch Shell has announced a suspension in coalbed methane drilling in British Columbia’s Sacred Headwaters.

Native groups, local communities, tribal councils, fishermen and gamesmen came together to fight against irresponsible development in the birthplace of the Skeena, Nass and Stikine Rivers. This is a major victory for local, national and international environmental groups.

Read the original letter sent to Royal Dutch Shell last year here and learn more about coalbed methane development in the Sacred Headwaters here.

Keeping an Eye on the Pebble Mine

EARTHWORKS partners in Alaska released a report this month reviewing Anglo American’s track record regarding environmental protection, worker safety, community impacts, and public health problems at many of its major metal mining operations.

Anglo American has a large investment in the proposed Pebble Mine in the Bristol Bay area of Alaska.

The report was written by corporate researcher Philip Mattera for the Renewable Resources Coalition, Trout Unlimited and Nunamta Aulukestai (Caretakers of Our Land). The three groups represent several Alaska Native corporations, commercial fishing companies, sportsmen, conservation interests and businesses, all concerned about potential impacts the proposed mine would have on the spawning steams of the Bristol Bay watershed. Please visit to read the report. [Learn more]

Recycle your cell phone from home

Do you have old cell phones and PDAs in a desk drawer somewhere? Don’t thrown them away, recycle them!

Throwing them away puts toxic metals into the environment, while recycling reduces the need for more mining.

If you use EARTHWORKS’s website, you can even recycle your phone from home for free.

You can also set up a recycling program in your community to help benefit a local charity! [Learn More]