Best Oil & Gas Development Practices for Texas

From the document:

“The challenge facing Texas now is not whether to increase fossil fuel production — energy companies are already on a record-setting pace as they accelerate development.

Rather, the challenge facing us today is how to protect our landowner rights, clean water, air and public health in the face of rapid energy development.

We support drilling right in Texas: responsible energy development that protects private property owners, water, the environment, and public lands while enabling energy production. Drilling right in Texas, or Drill Right is a reasonable and planned approach to the long- term impacts of oil and gas development and can be achieved in Texas.

We are leading in production; we should lead in landowner protections and best practices. In 2008, the Barnett Shale produced more than 12 billion dollars worth of oil and gas. We can afford to develop the resource and protect our landowners, communities and future prosperity.”

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