US Environmental Protection Agency
Docket ID No. EPA–HQ– OAR–2017–0548

Submitted online at

Thank you for the opportunity to submit comments on the Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) revised intended Air Quality Designations for the 2015 Ozone National Ambient Air Quality Standards. The following comments pertain to the designation for Weld County, Colorado and its inclusion in the Denver Metro/North Front Range ozone nonattainment area. We are pleased that EPA has, following a federal court decision, reversed its prior decision to exclude the northern portion of Weld County.

Earthworks is a national nonprofit organization committed to protecting communities and the environment from the impacts of mining and energy development while seeking sustainable solutions. For nearly 30 years, we have fulfilled our mission by working to reform government policies, improve corporate practices, influence investment decisions, and encourage responsible materials sourcing and consumption.

The Center for Biological Diversity’s mission is to ensure the preservation, protection, and restoration of biodiversity, native species, ecosystems, public lands and waters, and public health through science, policy, and environmental law. Based on the understanding that the health and vigor of human societies and the integrity and wildness of the natural environmental are closely linked, the Center for Biological Diversity is working to secure a future for animals and plants hovering on the brink of extinction, for the ecosystems they need to survive, and for a healthy, livable future for all of us.

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