Media Contact:

Alan Septoff, 202-887-1872×105

Washington, D.C., Oct 4 – In tomorrow’s Federal Register the Interior Department’s Bureau of Land Management will announce a one-year stay on the implementation of the BLM’s rule to cut methane from oil and gas production on federally managed public lands. In response, Earthworks’ Policy Director Lauren Pagel stated:

“By suspending the BLM methane rule, Interior Secretary Zinke and the Trump Administration make clear that they’re fine with wasting taxpayer dollars and polluting our air so long as it helps their billionaire and lobbyist cronies. Without this rule, oil and gas companies will continue wasting $330 million dollars of taxpayer-owned natural gas each year, money that should be funding essential local needs, such as schools and bridge maintenance, across the west. And the health of communities across the west will continue to be threatened by oil & gas production’s air toxics.”

For more information:

Federal Register Notice of BLM methane rule stay to be published October 5:

Infrared Optical Gas Imaging Videos of normally invisible methane pollution from oil & gas production on public lands:

  • Map of video locations with links to videos:
  • Video playlist:
  • Site data associated with videos:
  • Photos of the same sites:
  • Single video compilation: