Media Contact:

Alan Septoff, (202) 271-2355,

“Masquerading as a plan to bolster our nation’s aging infrastructure, President Trump’s proposal is actually a dangerous rollback of our bedrock environmental laws. In signing the Clean Water Act, the National Environmental Policy Act and other landmark safeguards, an earlier Republican president knew our economy is better served by water and air that are clean, not corrupt. But this president, in attempting to sacrifice our water, air, health and wildlife to corporate interests, signals that corruption is what he’s about.

Gutting environmental reviews and severely restricting the public’s ability to hold corporations accountable has nothing to do with giving this country the infrastructure overhaul it badly needs. Allowing mining, oil and gas companies to build pipelines and toxic waste dumps with little oversight will have far-reaching and detrimental consequences for the environment and the health of our communities across the country.”