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Media Contact:

Brendan McLaughlin, bmclaughlin@earthworksaction.org


Mighty Earth have released a report,GM wants “Everybody In” On Greenwashing, documenting how General Motors is facilitating the violation of Indigenous Peoples’ right to self-determination with its investment in Lithium Americas’ Thacker Pass mine in Nevada. The report also highlights the massive disconnect between the climate and human rights commitments GM makes to its investors and consumers and the actual actions it is taking to ensure the goals and commitments are fulfilled.

Despite a GM policy stating that the company recognizes and respects Indigenous rights in their supply chain, and a Supplier Code of Conduct that mandates suppliers respect Indigenous Peoples’ right to Free, Prior, and Informed Consent (FPIC), GM has invested $650 million in Lithium Americas Corp to help develop the Thacker Pass lithium mine project, which has failed to secure FPIC from the Paiute, Shoshone and Bannock people, for whom the land is sacred. A fast-tracked federal permitting process for the Thacker Pass project did not allow sufficient time for the public to weigh in, violating the Indigenous communities’ right to self-determination.

Statement by Ellen Moore, Earthworks’ Making Clean Energy Clean Campaign Manager:

“Our transition to clean energy must not repeat the injustices of dirty fossil fuel extraction. It cannot be built at the expense of  frontline communities, particularly Indigenous peoples, who have suffered the impacts of irresponsible extraction for too long. 

“GM should immediately pause their investment in Thacker Pass to conduct due diligence on their Indigenous rights risk exposure in the project, and they should require Lithium Americas to undergo an FPIC process with Indigenous communities.”