Background: Tuesday, Senator Manchin voluntarily pulled his dirty deal proposal from Congress’s continuing resolution to fund the US Government. The proposal would have all but guaranteed the United States vastly increase sources of climate pollution from fossil fuels and mining in the coming years. Weakened environmental protections and a fast-tracked build-out would bring further harm to the historically underserved and people already overburdened by pollution. It had been widely criticized by civil rights and environmental justice advocates, as well as members of Congress. Advocates remain concerned and vigilant against the inclusion of these provisions in other legislation this session.

Statement by Earthworks Policy Director Lauren Pagel:

“Today, people living next to extraction and those fighting the climate crisis found a few champions in Congress who stood their ground and refused to give Senator Manchin and extractive industry executives more matches to further set the world on fire.

“More drilling and extraction are no solution to climate change. Communities right now are fighting expansion of fossil fuel export facilities and new, unnecessary minies in places already overburdened and underserved. That is where the attention of Congress should be. 

“It is time to put people above polluters. That happened in Congress today but the threat remains alive. We will continue fighting alongside impacted community members to keep up the pressure necessary to ensure this is no exception.”

Fact Sheet: Why Congress Must Oppose the Permitting Side Deal