Media Contact:

Alan Septoff, 202-888-7844,

Background: On June 30, the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment (CDPHE) announced the hire of former Earthworks Colorado and New Mexico Field Advocate Nathalie Eddy to the role of Air Quality Environmental Justice Liaison in the state agency’s new environmental justice program.

Statement by Earthworks Executive Director Jennifer Krill:

“Nathalie Eddy has long advocated for strengthening community relations, improving transparency, and putting people before the oil and gas industry at the state of Colorado’s health and environmental agency. Now she will have the opportunity to change the culture at CDPHE for the better from the inside.

“Nathalie’s hire is both a testament to the consequences of her hard work exposing oil and gas harms and regulatory failures while at Earthworks and a sincere effort by the state agency to make positive change.

“Communities in Colorado are fortunate enough to have a [name of position] in CDPHE who genuinely cares about what happens to people and the future of our climate. We need more advocates like Nathalie Eddy in positions like this in state government.”

For more information:
A significant part of CDPHE’s new program will be to address the criticism that Eddy levied as the author of two Earthworks reports:

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