Media Contact:

Justin Wasser, 202.753.7016,

Background: On Wednesday, the Colorado Oil & Gas Conservation Commission (COGCC) ordered operator KP Kauffman to pay $1.9M in fines, return nearly 80 wells sites currently  in violation of state rules to complete compliance, and suspended the company from selling product until both conditions were met. An attorney for the operator has signaled a possible appeal. The decision by the COGCC is a welcome contrast to late last year when a chronically polluting site, which Earthworks investigated numerous times, was permitted to resume operations by the Colorado Department of Health and Environment (CDPHE).

Statement by Earthworks Senior Manager of State Legislature and Regulatory Affairs Andrew Forkes-Gudmundson:

“The Commission made the right decision to hold a bad polluter accountable. K.P. Kauffman is among the worst of the worst, and the company deserves nothing less than having the whole book thrown at them. 

“This is what rules properly enforced should look like. The COGCC must ensure this decision sets a precedent that continued violations of rules designed to protect public health, safety, welfare, the environment, and wildlife are not acceptable in Colorado. Other operators that consistently violate state rules should also be held accountable.” 

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