Media Contact:

Alan Septoff, 202.887.1872×105,
Leann Leiter, 724-531-1121,

“We congratulate Governor Wolf on taking this critical step to reduce methane pollution from natural gas production. However, it won’t mean much unless DEP enforces these new permitting requirements. We’ve documented this normally invisible pollution across the state. We’ve also documented years of DEP’s failures to enforce existing safeguards intended to protect communities against natural gas production’s pollution of air and water. Even with these welcome new safeguards, Governor Wolf’s leadership and DEP’s strong action are still urgently needed by the 1.5 million Pennsylvanians already living within a ½ mile of an existing natural gas operation. We look forward to congratulating Governor Wolf for extending these new safeguards to existing operations.” — Earthworks PA/OH Field Advocate Leann Leiter

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