Media Contact:

Justin Wasser, (202) 887-1872 x136,


COGCC sided with Extraction and put company interests before public interests when Broomfield tried to temporarily block fracking operations while stay-at-home orders forced people to breathe oil and gas pollution. Now, just weeks later, COGCC must answer again whose interests come first after Extraction declares bankruptcy and likely risks cost cutting measures that may increase risk for even more Colorado communities.
Statement by Nathalie Eddy, Earthworks’ Colorado and New Mexico Field Advocate:

“Extraction got away with putting the health of Coloradans in increased danger after COGCC sided with the company over the demands of Broomfield City Council to protect residents during the state’s stay at home order.  Now that Extraction has filed for bankruptcy and failed to inform or mention community impacts in their press release or website, Coloradans again look to COGCC and the power given to it by SB181 for the assurance of protection.

“Yet, the intent of SB181 for state agencies to prioritize public health above fracking company interests will never be realized until COGCC & CDPHE hinge new permits to drill and pollute on their demonstration that oil and gas production won’t harm community health.”



  • Earthworks has filed 16 complaints against Extraction on the Front Range in the past 2 years.  NONE of those complaints resulted in pollution reduction or protection of communities by Colorado state regulators.
  • Link to optical gas images of Extraction air pollution documented by Earthworks.
  • Press release on Extraction bankruptcy from Broomfield City Council

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