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Leann Leiter, 202.887.1872×130,, Alan Septoff, 202.887.1872×105,

“When Environmental Protection Agency Acting Administrator Wheeler speaks at the Shale Gas Insight conference in Pittsburgh, he won’t be visiting to talk about protecting the health of the 1.5 million Pennsylvanians living within ½ mile of our state’s 100,000 active oil and gas facilities. He’ll be here to promise industry that he’s going to loosen environmental and health safeguards to pad their bottom line.

The Environmental Protection Agency’s mission is simple: to protect health and the environment. Wheeler is shamelessly undermining that mission, and Pennsylvanians’ health will suffer as a result.” — Earthworks’ PA/OH Organizer Leann Leiter

Today Environmental Protection Agency Action Administrator Andrew Wheeler is giving the opening keynote at fracking industry’s SHALE INSIGHT™ 2018 Conference in Pittsburgh. Thanks to fracking, Pennsylvania is the nation’s second largest natural gas producer and home to nation’s third largest population of people living within a 1/2 mile health threat radius of active oil and gas production. As he speaks, the EPA is proposing to undermine its standards that protect Americans’ health and climate against oil and gas industry air pollution.



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