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Statement of Earthworks’ Pennsylvania and Ohio Field Advocate Leann Leiter on the passage of HB1100 and Wolf’s promise to veto:

“The Pennsylvania General Assembly showed shortsightedness and a lack of political courage by voting to give away hundreds of millions in taxpayer dollars to expand the oil and gas-fueled petrochemical industry, a costly move that would surely worsen the climate crisis and threaten the health of countless Pennsylvanians.

“The legislators who voted for this fossil fuel tax give-away–many of them from southwestern Pennsylvania where pollution and health problems from the industry are already rampant–have taken a reckless position. By promising blanket tax breaks without specific proposals on the table, they are giving industry a free ride and throwing open the doors to decades of climate and health-harming pollution. An expansion of plastics manufacturing in Appalachia could result in a fate similar to a petrochemical region in Louisiana infamously known as ‘Cancer Alley.’

“Fortunately, Governor Wolf has publicly promised to veto this bill.  Earthworks thanks him, and the legislators who did oppose this unnecessary and dangerous giveaway. We urge legislators to respect and sustain the Governor’s veto and recognize the concerns that many Pennsylvanians have for health, the climate, and their quality of life.”

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