Media Contact:
Justin Wasser, (202) 753-7016,
Alan Septoff, (202) 888-7844,
“As with COVID-19, the Trump administration is ignoring reality to gut oil and gas methane pollution safeguards. But as with Americans dying from the COVID crisis, optical gas imaging shows the oil and gas methane pollution that is fueling the climate crisis.
“To avoid climate catastrophe, we must stop permitting oil and gas production as part of a managed decline of all fossil fuels. Until then, Trump’s rollback increases pressure on both states to act individually, and any future president to take more drastic national measures.”
- UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change Summary for Policymakers 2018 laying out stakes of failing to halve carbon pollution by 2030.
- National optical gas imaging of (normally invisible) oil and gas climate & health pollution documented by Earthworks’ Certified Thermographers.
- Pittsburgh-area optical gas imaging of methane pollution: EQT Mad Dog 2020 well site; Dominion Energy Compressor Station (venting flare); MarkWest Compressor Station
- EQT (one of PA’s largest producers, whose pollution is documented in one of above links) opposes this rollback