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Methods and Models, Uncertainties, and State-of-the-Art

Along with its companion report, Comparison of Predicted and Actual Water Quality at Hardrock Mines: the reliability of predictions in Environmental Impact Statements, the Methods and Models Report represents 2 years of unprecedented research.

From the preface:

“This report lays out a framework for evaluating the methods and models used to predict water quality at hardrock mine sites and makes recommendations for their improvement. It is intended to be used by regulators, the interested public, and mine operators and managers.”

Summary white paper

Both the Comparison Report and the Methods and Models Report are summarized in the accompanying white paper, Predicting Water Quality Problems at Hardrock Mines: a failure of science, oversight, and good practice.

Other documents

All mines considered for inclusion in the Comparsion and Methods and Models reports are included in this 2.5MB excel spreadsheet.

Independent reviewers of the two reports, and conferences where the research was presented are listed here.

The press release associated with the publication of the reports.