Vrinda Manglik

Vrinda Manglik is a Portfolio Manager at Growald Climate Fund, supporting venture grantees working on issues related to the power sector.

Before joining Growald, she contracted full-time as a Storyteller at Google, communicating about data centers and related themes of energy, sustainability, and community and economic development. Previously, she worked in climate philanthropy as a Program Officer at the Energy Transition Fund and as a Climate & Energy Program Associate at the Pisces Foundation in San Francisco, focusing on short-lived climate pollutants. Her experience in environmental non-profits includes staff roles at the Sierra Club and Environmental Law Institute, and as a Scoville Peace Fellow at the Natural Resources Defense Council. She also worked as a Field Organizer on Obama’s 2012 re-election campaign.

Vrinda has a BA in Liberal Arts from Sarah Lawrence College and a Master’s of Environmental Management from the Yale School of the Environment. She is based in Oakland, California, and enjoys creating illustrations on topics related to the environment and climate change.