Coudersport, PA — Today Earthworks announced the hire of Melissa Troutman as the Research and Policy Analyst for the Energy program. The new position demonstrates Earthworks’ commitment to facts and credibility as it advocates for clean air and water, healthy communities, and a stable climate.

Melissa is an award-winning journalist and filmmaker whose work includes the documentary Triple Divide, a seven-year investigation of water contamination related to shale development in Pennsylvania, and co-founding the investigative news nonprofit Public Herald.

“I’m excited to bring my experience working with communities in Pennsylvania impacted by oil and gas to my research for Earthworks,” said Melissa Troutman. She continued, “Earthworks plays a critical role as a credible, reliable and approachable source of information for national policymakers, state regulators and impacted community members.”

Earthworks’ Energy program started in Durango, Colorado in 1999 as the Oil & Gas Accountability Project. The team, now 10 full-time staff and 9 additional support staff, is dedicated to mitigating the damage caused by destructive oil and gas production.

“The oil and gas industry is very adept at resisting regulations, influencing legislators and dividing communities,” said Bruce Baizel, Earthworks’ Energy Program Director. “Melissa will help us follow the money, water and air pollution, and political handshakes to expose the truth and demand justice.”