On Tuesday, June 16th, the Human Rights Watch Film Festival will be screening MAXIMA, a documentary chronicling the incredible fight of Peruvian farmer, Máxima Acuña de Chaupe, who stopped Newmont Mining from building the Conga open pit mine on her farmstead.

Máxima has been fighting to protect her land and livelihood from the US mining giant for nearly 10-years, and there is still no end in sight. She and her family suffered violent attacks, and continue to face harassment from police and mine security. Newmont is also attacking the family in court, filing multiple legal claims aimed at stripping the family of their land. Despite preaching respect for community rights, Newmont continues to attempt to lay the groundwork for the Conga mine, a project that is widely opposed in the region due its impact on water, including the destruction of pristine mountain lakes.

We are excited to partner with the Human Rights Watch Film Festival to help share Máxima’s story of courage and resilience far and wide.

Join for a digital film festival screening + live Q&A!

Streaming June 11-20.
Get your ticket and view the film here.
Watch the film at your own pace any time between June 11-20, or join us for a shared viewing experience.

Tuesday, June 16
6:25 PM EDT / 3:25 PDT – Start watching the film
7:55 PM EDT / 4:55 PDT – 5 min break – get your questions ready and re-fill your beverage!
8:00 PM EDT / 5:00 PDT – Join us for a live Q&A with the filmmaker Claudia Sparrow and others. Register HERE for the live Q&A.

Earthworks followers can receive $1 off all films in the HRW Film Festival using the code: “HRWPARTNER20”. Please note: Discount not available on film festival passes.