On October 19, citizens all over the world came together to call for a moratorium on fracking, as well as other oil and gas stimulation activities that threaten human health and the environment.

In Californiarecently passed SB4 aims to regulate this kind of oil and gas development.  But with Global Frackdown, citizens are instead calling for a moratorium on fracking —  perhaps because the track record of state enforcement across the country has shown state regulation is tantamount to no regulation at all. So with their call for a moratorium, communities are demanding their health be protected as a first priority, ahead of corporate profits.

In Los Angeles/Culver City, hundreds of people came together to educate themselves and their communities about the dangers of fracking, calling on elected officials to ban the practice. Councilmember Mike Bonin, one of the main architects of the motion calling for a moratorium on fracking in Los Angeles, spoke to the public and pledged to safeguard communities in the city. Other speakers included Meghan Sahli-Wells – Vice mayor of Culver City, residents of LA’s University Park neighborhood – which has seen severe health problems in people over the past few years thanks to increased oil and gas development, and organizers who are helping bring about real change for communities in Southern California.

Several citizen groups provided information on fracking, collected signatures, and marched towards the Inglewood Oil Field calling for a moratorium. A bike tour led people on a visit of the oil field, as well as several neighborhoods where strong odors are present at all times, and people are suffering from adverse health effects. Materials were provided in Spanish and English, demonstrating how important it is to reach minority and low-income communities who tend suffer the most from the effects of fracking.

The event was sponsored by Food & Water Watch Los Angeles.

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