Salmon consumers everywhere will be happy today!  The Food Marketing Institute (FMI), which represents a whopping 26,000 retail food stores, and $680 billion in annual revenue, has spoken out on behalf of protecting Alaska's Bristol Bay fishery – the world's largest wild sockeye salmon fishery.

In a recent letter to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), FMI expressed its support for the study currently underway to determine the suitability of large-scale development in Bristol Bay, including the proposed Pebble Mine.

It makes sense.  The Bristol Bay salmon fishery is an important part of our nation's food supplies.

So hats off to FMI and its 1500 members for its support for sustainable fisheries.  The EPA study is expected in late April 2012. So, stay tuned.  This important scientific assessment will help determine future actions to protect Bristol Bay.  

And, go enjoy some Bristol Bay wild salmon.