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Just a month after our huge success at Stop the Frack Attack we, fractivists, have been called into action again.

On July 28 we started a national movement in Washington, DC to tell the Administration we've had enough – it is time to put communities and the environment before companies that pump methane into our water and money into our political system.

Since Stop the Frack Attack a number of states have called on us to take action. In Colorado, Colorado Frack Attack crashed the Colorado Oil and Gas Association's “Energy Revolution” party. In September we will return to Philadelphia for another Shale Gas Outrage.

And on August 27 we will go to Albany, NY and tell Governor Cuomo Don't Frack New York!

Don't Frack New York is asking for two things:

First, join more than 1,300 other New Yorkers and sign the Pledge to Resist Fracking in New York State: http://www.dontfrackny.org/pledge/. This proclamation expresses unalterable opposition to fracking in New York and a solemn commitment to nonviolent protest should the Governor approve it anywhere in our state.

Second, get on the bus. Join us on Monday, August 27 as multitudes of concerned people convene in Albany for a historic day called Don’t Frack New York. Speaking with one voice, we’ll deliver our pledges of resistance to Governor Cuomo and demand a ban on fracking. There will be street theater, music, inspiring speeches, a rally, and a march. Award-winning writer and 350.org founder Bill McKibben will be there with us. And for those who can, we invite you arrive in Albany two days prior, on August 25 and 26, for a weekend of trainings and strategy discussions that will precede Monday’s mass mobilization.

Earthworks is going to stand with New York as we've done all along. This is New York's moment, will you be there?

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