On March 15th, thousands of Californians will come together in Sacramento, and make it clear to Governor Brown and legislators that we don’t want expanded drilling and fracking in our state.

Along with the signing of SB4, and the proposed regulations on fracking and well stimulation by DOGGR, California is preparing to massively expand drilling, and along with it, increase our dependence on fossil fuels, and exacerbate climate change. In partnership with dozens of organizations in the state, and thousands of California residents, we will be showing the Governor and his administration that “Climate Leader’s Don’t Frack!” Let’s show up in force and make a difference in the Golden State!

Join us on March 15 at 1PM, at the Capitol Lawn in Sacramento. Buses will be departing from all over the state, including the Central Coast, Central Valley, Southern California, and the Bay Area. To sign up for more information on buses click here.

We want to ensure that all Californians affected by oil and gas development have a voice in Sacramento. We will be providing free or reduced priced tickets to those who cannot afford them. Please help us defray the costs of providing these services by making a donation to this cause.

For more information on the rally, click here. There is also a special forum set up for those wishing to carpool, exchange information, or set up housing in Sacramento. Please click here for more information.

Let’s march through the streets of Sacramento and show everyone the power of the people, help end the harmful practice of fracking, and make a difference against climate change!

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