On July 3rd, Earthworks hosted 16 high schoolers from the Civic Leadership Institute. The Civic Leadership Institute  is a collaboration between the Civic Education Project, based at Northwestern University’s Center for Talent Development, and Johns Hopkins University’s Center for Talented Youth. The students spent the day hearing a lecture at George Washington University, visiting the Capitol building and monuments, and visiting different lobbying groups. The group was excited and eager to learn about Earthworks and more about environmental issues facing the world.

Aaron Mintzes, Senior Policy Counsel, spoke to the group about Earthworks’ mission and the different campaigns on mining and fracking. He explained how NGO organizations can impact our government. The students were able to watch a video showing methane pollution in Texas. Then Aaron allowed time for questions. The students were interested in learning about clean energy and how the United States’ environmental policies compares to other countries. They asked questions about the impacts of fracking, such as earthquakes and the communities the sites are located in. They also used this opportunity to ask questions about climate change.

Students were interested in what they could do to help, Aaron recommend they join Sunrise Movement, Global Climate Strike, and register to vote. Aaron concluded by encouraging the students to get involved within their communities and advocate for their future.

April Urbanowski is a former law clerk at Earthworks.