Although Anglo American CEO Cynthia Carroll has repeatedly promised that the company wouldn’t go forward with the proposed Pebble Mine in Alaska’s Bristol Bay if local communities don’t support the mine, the company is suing to prevent local Alaskans from voting on a ballot initiative in October about whether they want the mine.  (See the ad from Alaska natives urging her to keep her promise.)

The ballot measure, if approved, would prevent the planning commission from issuing a development permit to any large resource extraction activity that would have a significant adverse impact on salmon-producing streams. Ironically, Cynthia Carroll has also promised that the mine wouldn’t go forward if it would harm salmon. 

The issue is of international significance.  The massive mine is proposed at the headwaters of Bristol Bay in the Bristol Bay Fishery Reserve – home to the world’s largest and most valuable wild salmon fishery, which produces roughly 50% of the world’s commercial supply of wild salmon.  A recent peer reviewed risk assessment found  concluded that the risks to wild salmon populations from such mining are very high, and that it is cause for significant concern regarding the long- term abundance and sustainability of salmon in the region.

The Alaska Superior Court recently ruled that the vote should go forward, and the case would be heard after the elections.  But, the Pebble Limited Partnership (aka Anglo American) is asking the Supreme Court to get involved.  Read more here…

So much for Anglo American’s promises…