Media Contact:
Justin Wasser, 202.753.7016,
Background: On Thursday, February 12th, Governor Shapiro announced that Pennsylvania had filed a lawsuit challenging the Trump Administration’s unconstitutional freeze of $1.2 billion in congressional appropriated funding. These funds contributed to numerous efforts and programs across the commonwealth, including work to protect Pennsylvania communities by plugging hundreds of orphaned wells potentially spewing toxic pollution in the air and water.
Statement by Earthworks State Policy Manager Andrew Forkes-Gudmundson:
“Earthworks stands strongly behind Governor Shapiro’s efforts to fight the unconstitutional theft of funds already allocated to Pennsylvania. Among many other things, these funds have been committed to clean up abandoned wells, reduce pollution, and put people to work making Pennsylvania a better, cleaner and healthier place to live. Governor Shapiro is right to push back against the Trump Administration’s illegal power grab.”
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