Hecla Mining Company is at it again. It is proposing a major mining exploration project next to, and tunneling under, the Cabinet Mountains Wilderness in northwest Montana. A key permit for its previous mine proposal there—the Montanore Mine—was rejected by a state court because it would unnecessarily harm multiple streams that supply high-quality water to the area.
The Cabinet Mountains produce some of the purest water in the nation and serve as a small but vital refuge for bull trout and grizzly bears, which are listed as threatened under the Endangered Species Act. The exploration project is proposed within the grizzly bear recovery zone. Mine waste would be stored next to, and wastewater would be released into Libby Creek, which provides critical habitat for bull trout.
The Forest Service is taking public comment on the proposal. Please take a minute to sign the petition urging the protection of Montana’s wilderness, wildlife, and clean water.